Starksboro Historical Society, Starksboro Village Methodist Church, Starksboro, Vermont (SHS in VT)

Starksboro Historical Society

Starksboro, Vermont 05487

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Starksboro Cemeteries

Starksboro Master List - All Cemeteries
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name

Starksboro's Veterans
All Cemeteries, Alphabetical Listing

Brace Cemetery (also called Newell Stokes Cemetery)
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone

Brown Hill Cemetery (also called Harry Hallock or Hannon Cemetery)
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone

Catholic Cemetery (also called Ireland or Conway Cemetery)
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone

Green Mount Cemetery
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone

Hillsboro Cemetery (also called Ryan Cemetery)
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone

Mason Hill Cemetery
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone

Norton Cemetery (also called James Casey or Butler Cemetery)
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone

South Starksboro - Quaker-Friends Cemetery
Indexed on Row and Stone

Rounds Cemetery
Indexed on Row and Stone

South Starksboro - Jerusalem Cemetery
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone

Taft Cemetery
Indexed on Row and Stone

Village Cemetery
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone


Calkins Cemetery (also called McDonough Cemetery, in Hinesburg, Vt.)
Alphabetical Listing by Surname and Name
Indexed on Row and Stone



For additional information on preserving Vermont's old cemeteries
see the Vermont Old Cemetery Association website.

Information with-in this cemetery project may be used for personal and educational research with permission.   Some images in this Catalog may be available at a greater resolution.   Contibutions are appreciated if you use this material so that the programs and activities of the Starksboro Historical Society may be sustained and continued.
Email for additional information.

This website was developed by and exclusively for the Starksboro Historical Society, Starksboro, Vermont.
Copyright © 2005-2025 Starksboro Historical Society. All rights reserved.

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